Crafting beautiful, custom log homes
Crafting beautiful, custom log homes ~
EcoLog Homes, located in the Haliburton Highlands of Ontario, produces log home kits with 8”x8” timbers from the long-lived, long-lasting, and revered Eastern hemlock tree.
Nothing can compare to the warm ambience and enduring quality of a log home.
EcoLog Homes is comprised of passionate and dedicated people who enjoy what we do. We are devoted to supplying a top-quality product at an affordable price. Because of this commitment, EcoLog Homes is always working towards design improvements and material savings, all of which directly benefit our customers. EcoLog Homes combines traditional features with modern interior design.
EcoLog Homes provides our customers with the flexibility to design their home to best fit their needs or choose from one of our most popular designs for a quick turnaround time.
Our framework allows customization, within some key parameters to allow for efficient production and construction.
With over 20 pre-defined kits, from the small footprint of 672 sq ft to a double-wing floor plan of more than 2,000 sq ft, as well as the ultimate flexibility of design with our custom plans, your dream can be a reality with an EcoLog Home kit.
A New, Yet Old, Way to Build Sustainably
EcoLog kits mainly use Eastern hemlock from Haliburton Forest, a 100,000-acre sustainable forest. Haliburton Forest owns and operates four sawmills, and it is the single largest employer in Haliburton County. This means that when you buy an EcoLog kit, you are buying locally grown and locally-manufactured wood, supporting local jobs and the local environment.
Wood has natural insulating properties, and Eastern hemlock is superior to most species. Wood is twelve times more insulating than concrete, and it is much less heat conductive than any metal and many synthetic materials as well. Log homes stay cool in the summer heat and cozy in winter due not just to the insulating qualities of the logs but also the effect of thermal mass storage.
Properly designed and constructed log homes will outlive many types of structure – there are many examples around the world of such buildings exceeding 200 or even 300 years old. Our customers have found that EcoLog kits are popular on the real estate market, holding their value and out-performing conventional cottages and homes when resold or retained for the next generation.
Uniting modern construction methods with a deep respect for traditional craftsmanship, everything we make is designed to endure and bring joy for generations to come.
Solid walls are constructed from 8" by 8” square timbers which are much easier to produce and work with. We share the efficiency of its manufacturing process with its customers, thereby making our log home kits the most affordable in Ontario.
The look of EcoLog Homes is derived from the alternating 2" insulation and chinking and 8" timbers, giving EcoLog buildings their unique, attractive, natural appearance, reminiscent of traditional log homes found in northern Europe an eastern Canada.
Our trees are carefully selected and harvested from our privately-owned lands in Eastern hemlock using leading-edge forestry management protocols, then manufactured into usable timbers in our advanced, efficient sawmills.